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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ২২nd অক্টোবর ২০১৮



Name of tourists spot



Meghla Tourist Complex

Bandarban Proper


Prantik Lake

Bandarban Proper


Soila Prapat falls

Bandarban Proper


Chimbuk Hill



Ruma water falls (Re Song Song)



Boga Lake






Tazingdong(Highest Peak)






Nilachol Hill

Bandarban Sadar





Remakri Water Falls





Some Attractive Spots & Events for Bandarban travelers:-


(1)  Bandarban Town:-

Raj vihar and Ujanipara Vihar the numerous Buddhist temples, known as kyang in local tongue and Vihars in the town include the highly notable the Rajvihar (Royal Monastery) at Jadi Para. The monastery at Ujani Para known as Ujani Para vihar is also a major place of interest.

(2)  Bhuddha Dhatu Jadi(Golden Temple):

The largest Buddhist temple in Bangladesh located in Balaghata. 4 km from the town. Is one excellent place to visit. This theravada Buddhist temple set a top a 60 meter hill. It is made completely in the style of south-east asia and homes a sacred relic and the second largest statue of Buddha in Bangladesh.

(3) ‘Meghla’:-

Meghla stated on the Getway of Bandarban. It’s 4km away from Bandarban town and just infront of the Bandarban Hill District Council (BHDC).

The Tourists Complex is very rich in many aspects. There are two ‘Hanging Bridges’ over the lake and a mini Zoo containing some rare species.

This is the largest picnic spot of Bandarban and every year a lot of tourists visit this place earning huge Government revenue. In the recent year, there has developed is a remarkable economic activities for the local vendors and producers. Tea Plantation has already been started at Meghla on experimental basis. At present there is a Tea garden also. 

(4)  ‘Nilachol’ and ‘Shuvronila’:-

The highest Tourists Spot close to the Bandarban City in Tiger Para. A very popular and significant view point of Bandarban is “Nilachol”. A place with the height of approximately 2800 fit. This is the only nearby spot, from where the whole Bandarban town can be seen easily. Mean while the area is located nearby the town and very easy in access. A beautiful observation house and a nice restaurant are being located there. The tribal people of Tanchangya and Marma decants are living here. Most of the tourist spots of Bandarban can be seen from Nilachol. Even the Chittagong sea port also be seen in night as a bright place of unbounded lightings. The sun set and the sun rise of Nilachol is simply imaging.

(5) ‘Chimbuk’:-

Chimbuk is the most popular spot for the tourists. Among of all the tourists’ destination, Chimbuk has the easiest access. That’s why tourists are at least tried to visit Chimbuk. Now there are available transports bonding for Chimbuk everyday for reasonable charge. There is a Rest House on the Top of the hill constructed by the CHT Development Board.

It is the 3rd highest mountain of Bangladesh. It is 26km away from Bandarban. In Rainy season cloudy Chimbuk is an awesome experience to everyone

(6) ‘Soila Propat’:-

Soilo Propat is just 8km away from Bandarban City. This falls remain active round the year. Water is so transparent and cool there. It assumes its full current in the Rainy season.  Journey is to made by hiring Chander Gari (Open Jeep) or Baby Taxi or Private Car from Bandarban to Soila Propat. Many people to walk the distance of 8km to reach Soila Propat from the Town.

There are some Tribal villages near this falls and this is the only sources of water for their livelihood use. In front of entrance of the Soila Propat, local Bawm community sells their Handicrafts, hand made products and fruits. Fresh fruits from hills like- Mango, Pineapple, papaya, Guava, Sugar cane etc. according to season is available here with wonderful test.

(7) ‘Prantik Lake’:-

Prantik Lake is the biggest lake in Bandarban. It lies on the Bordering are of Chittagong – Bandarban in. It’s a 30minutes drive from Bandarban town and just 14km away from Bandarban. It is very famous for the peaceful environment.

The authority has made better communication system. There is also arrangement to go around in the lake by Pedestal Boat. 

This lake is huge in its size, covering an area of 2500acres.

(8) ‘Nilgiri’:-

Nilgiri is the highest tourist spot of Bandarban. On the way to Nilgiri, the usual experience of moving through the highest road of Bangladesh, peak 69.

It is situated on the highest of 3800ft rising from the sea level. It is just a 45km drive from Bandarban town.

Near Nilgiri, we can see Mro communities village and their colorful life.

(9) ‘Boga lake’:-

Boga Lake is the higher lake of Bangladesh situated 3000ft high from the sea level. This is 15km away from Ruma Upazilla. This lake is covering an area of

15acres of land. So one can easily imagine that’s a big lake over the top of a hill. It’s being a mystery and miracle for the local people for many decades. Many interesting stories are being laid down about the Boga Lake.

Two or three small ethnic community are living in the adjacent of Boga Lake.

Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Board has constructed Ruma to Boga Lake road. One can go to Boga lake by Motor-bike or Jeep during dry season.

There is a Rest House constructed by the Hill District Council of Bandarban for overnight stayal.

(10) ‘Ruma Rejuk Falls (Re Song Song)’:-

During the rainy season the water flowing increase in many folds with unpredictable rapidity and this huge amount of water is carried through these falls into the Sangu river. That’s why in this particular season many dormant falls revive. It is a natural falls on the way to Thanchi from Ruma through the Sangu River. Engine Boat is the easiest transport to this fall from Ruma. It takes 15 minutes boating from Ruma sadar Upazilla. There are several view points constructed by the Ruma Upazilla Administration for tourists.

(11) ‘Tohzing Dong’:-

Bandarban is mountain region of Bangladesh. It is the home of numerous hills and mountains. the landscape of Bandarban is totally different from the main land  districs of Bangladesh.

It is about 4000ft high from sea level. It is situated in Ruma Upazilla of Bandarban. It is just 25km away from Ruma Upazilla. There are many tribal/indigenous villages in the top of the mountain. It is situated in a remote area with magnificent natural beauties. One can reach near to Tohzing Dong by Motor Vehicles during dry season.

(12) ‘Keokradong’:-

Once Keokradong was the highest mountain of Bangladesh but after discovering ‘Thazing dong’ it has been relegated to the second highest mountain of Bangladesh. This 2nd highest mountain is situated at 30km Upazilla Sadar.

Keokradong is 4000ft high from see level and winter is the favorable season to climb up this mountain. There is no direct communication system up to this mountain.

(13) ‘Mirinja Tourist Spot’:-

Mirinja Tourist Spot is a fantastic tourist spot in Lama Upazilla. It is situated at 16km of Lama to Alikadam road. It is about 1500ft high from sea level and attracting spot for the tourists. It is a clean weather to watch the Bay of Bengal and Moheshkhali Island. There is an observation Tower in this spot. There is a Children Park in Mirinja. It is 82km from Lama Upazilla.

There is a Fountain at the 1000ft down from the Mirinza spot. Arrangement is going on for construction of a Dam there. There are facilities for Conference and Workshop of Mirinza.

Other places Prantik lake, Jiban nagar and kyachlong lake are some more places of interest.


1. Cruise on River Sangu:-

One highly admired activity here is a boat trip in a sampan (a double oared boat with a blunt aft and a flat bottom) or a regular boat down the river Sungu. The trip can vary from a 1-hour trip, including a stop-over to take tea, to a whole day crime including stop-over to have food you will fined people working on river with bamboos. The river is not very deep in the dry season. Many times your boat might get stuck with the soil under the river.


2. Hiking:-

A hike to either keokaradong (883m) or Tahjindong (1002 m). the two tallest peak in an exhilarating experience on the side of both the peaks reside the remotest tribes-people of Bangladesh. The Khumi and the Kuki. Boga lake, one of the two highest lakes in Bangladesh lie directly on the trek, while the other one, the Raikhiang lake lies only a little off the way.

3. Tribal/Indigenous Festivals of Bandarban:-

a. Sangrai, Biju, Boishu, Bishu: - The different tribal peoples in Bandarban Hill District are celebrate this festival in the first day of Bengoli Year. They called it different names as Sangrai (Marma), Biju (Chakma), Boishu (Tripura), Bishu (Tanchangya).

b. 'Raj Punnyah':- Raj Punnyah is the festival which arranged by the Bhomang Chief of Bandarban circle for raising taxes at the end of the year. The revenues are collected from tenants by the headman's in this program to the circle chief (King of Bandarban).

c. Wagyoi Powe:- Perhaps the festival is celibrated by the Marma tribal peoples in Bandarban Hill District. It is their religious festival. 'Roth Yatra' is the main attraction of this festival.

d. Kumthar Chibai:- This festival is celebrated by the Bawm tribal/indigenous peoples in Bandarban Hill District to well-come the new year on 1st January of every year. 'Kum' means new, thar means year and chibai means greetings. By the Bawm tribal peoples, the meaning of Kumthar- Chibai is New Year Greetings.

 4. Take a Guided Tour:-

The only available regular guided tour package, offered by Guide Tours, takes tourists through Buddha Dhatu Jadi, Meghla, Shoilopropat, Rajvihar and Ujani Para vihar, the tribal villages, Chimbuk Hill and a Couple of more sites. An irregular guided tour package by Bangladesh parjatan Corporation takes tourist to Nilachal and Maghla, the artificially created government owned “tourist attractions” generally shunned by serious travelers.